Cusco is the main city stop, before going to Macchu Picchu. Cusco is a very beautiful and charming city. The city is surrounded by large mountains and stunning landscape. What makes Cusco special, is the amount of churches in the city. When, asked why, they said due to the Spanish colonization, years ago! Shocking fact about Cusco, is that its altitude is 11,000 feet, which makes it very difficult to breath. In fact, it can cause altitude sickness. Luckily, it didn't affect us much. To discover Cusco, we decided to take the free walking tour, that work only for tips. Surprisingly, they were extremely informative and friendly. At the end of the tour, they invited us to one of the local bars, to make a Pisco sour drink, from scratch. The next day, we left to Ollantayambo city.
If we thought Cusco was beautiful, Ollah was as beautiful, and it had its own uniqueness. Ollah was also surrounded by the mountains, but it felt even more special, as the mountains were extremely close to the city. They were massive, had different shapes and colours. Terrific!
From Ollah, we took the Perutrain to Macchu Picchu. The train had skylight views, so you can see the mountains, which surely adds to your train experience! Once we arrived, we got advised to hire a tour guide, so you can appreciate Macchu Picchu (MP), much more. The tour guide was very efficient and informative. It was officially discovered in 1911, by an American scientists. Also, there were no official documents to support the reason of the built of MP. She told us, that the reason Inca people left MP, is because they were scared that Spanish people will get there, kill them and destroy the city. As a result, Spanish people never found MP. As soon as the tour was over, we went to the top point, to take the famous picture of MP. Luckily us, the sky was clear, and sunny, which is unlikely...
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